key ring embroidery giga set No 3

from 4.49
Price incl. VAT

Customer ratings for key ring embroidery giga set No 3

Number of ratings: 38
Average rating: 5
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Wie alle Dateien, voöl super
from on 08/07/2023
Abwechslungsreiche, schöne Motive
from on 07/31/2023
Lassen sich sehr gut sticken, schöne Auswahl der Motive
Sehr vielfältig
from on 02/04/2022
Bin sehr gespannt. Hab erst eine ausprobiert. Sticken sich gut

All incoming ratings are posted by actual shop visitors / webshop customers and their content is checked by the operator by means of a visual inspection.

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Browse these categories as well: EMBROIDERIES, •For Women, •ITH in the hoop, •For Girls, •For Boys, •Mixed-Sets, •Minis-small Items, •Keyrings, BESTSELLER